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HI! My name is Ellen Hudson Brown. I don't have a middle name because my first name is Ellen Hudson…it gets kind of confusing haha. Well, I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina. I have two parents and an awesome younger brother named Fleetwood. We also have one dog, Scout, and a new turtle, Debbie. I grew up going to church at Saint Michael's Church. If anyone ever comes to Charleston please stop by it is an amazing, historic place that is like my second home. One of my biggest passions is marine biology and environmental science in general. I could sit by the ocean for hours just absorbing God's greatness! I was planning to go to college to major in this subject, but the Lord decided to wreck my life and send me on this awesome journey and I could not be more grateful that He did!!
my brother at Graduation...He is just the best!The family...from Thanksgiving 2010Love my parents...this is from my senior night for Basketball